
Draw The Line

Over 100 comic artists present positive political actions anyone can take.



Get to it: actions you can take right now

Family time: actions kids can take (part 1)

Party on: have fun while doing good

No cash, no problem: actions that cost nothing (part 1)

Give shelter: actions that fight homelessness or help the homeless

Working from home: actions you can take online

Make friends, too: actions that create community

Hey, boss: actions you can take if you own a business

If you’re able: actions that support disabled people

The cheap stuff: actions you can take with a small budget

Changing the world with paint and songs: actions artists can take

Strength in numbers: actions that support minorities

Tell the world: actions that raise awareness

Be a sister: actions that help women

Save the world: actions that help the environment

Flash the cash: actions that require money, or crowdfunding

Actions that make small changes to your habits for a big cumulative effect

Nerds to the rescue: actions you can take if you’re a coder

Turn down the heat: actions that fight global warming

Give it a chance: things that help bring world peace

Actions that exercise your democratic rights – while you still have them

Actions that start with informing yourself

Family time: actions kids can take (part 2)

Family time: actions kids can take (part 3)

Down with poverty: actions that fight poverty or help the poor

No cash, no problem: actions that cost nothing (part 2)

Far from home: actions that support asylum seekers, refugees and displaced people

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